ADHD Therapy in Berlin

Not everyone’s brain works in the same way. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) therapy helps you better understand yourself and your needs, creating awareness of your communication patterns and needs. Therapy helps to alleviate anxiety and depression that can occur together with ADHD. Being aware of and understanding your communication patterns leads to healthier relationships with yourself and others and improving your quality of life.

ADHD in adults

Untreated ADHD may co-occur with low self-esteem, impaired work performance and relationships, cause depression and anxiety or lead to substance misuse. It is therefore important to start to understand your symptoms to find the root cause.

ADHD symptoms in adults:

  • procrastination 

  • inattentiveness

  • hyperactivity 

  • getting stuck 

  • difficulties in completing tasks 

  • fidgeting 

  • impulsivity 

  • difficulties in emotion regulation 

Commonly, these symptoms may be left unnoticed from an early age when children start to mask their symptoms. As adults, these symptoms can start to emerge, causing stress or mood disorders. Talking this through with a counsellor or a therapist that understands neurodivergence can help support you in your process in ADHD treatment for adults.

Please note that the above list is not exhaustive of ADHD symptoms since ADHD presents differently in each person.

ADHD identification in Berlin

Talking through your symptoms with your family doctor can be helpful in getting a referral to a psychiatrist. However, this is not essential but finding a psychiatrist or getting an assessment can be challenging. Waiting lists are long, and even when you get to the psychiatrist’s office, it might take a lot of explanation before you can get assessed. However, you can start by talking to a qualified therapist who knows about neurodivergence. Depending on where you are on your journey, you can begin to figure it out together with your therapist.

Arula Counselling integrates creative, psychodynamic, mindfulness and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) approaches with a focus on neurodiversity-affirming and trauma-informed care. 

ADHD Therapy for adults 

ADHD therapy for adults can start with talking to someone who understands neurodivergence. It is important to find someone whom you feel comfortable with and who is qualified to support you in your process. Therapy can help to better understand ADHD, to develop strategies that work for you in your daily life, to recognise your strengths and to support understanding your emotions.

Counselling and ADHD

Talking and creating awareness and understanding of yourself can help you manage day-to-day activities and create structure in your life. Coming up with a format that is needed specifically for your needs and assessing what works for you. This can vary greatly, depending on the person, since everyone’s needs differ. ADHD therapy can therefore be a great resource in starting to be aware of yourself and your needs.

Music therapy and ADHD

In addition to talking, we can access our inner resources creatively since not everything can be expressed in words. Music therapy can help alleviate anxiety and find ease and understanding in yourself. Because music activates the whole brain, it can help to shut the wired brain off from interfering thoughts to focus on the present. In counselling, we can think about which type of music works best for your brain to help you support your focus and emotion processing. There is no one way that works for all.

Read an article on how to start therapy to help you start the process.

Disclaimer: This content is for educational purposes only and does not replace a therapeutic relationship with a trained professional. If you are in a mental health crisis, please call 112 or your country's crisis line, where professional mental health workers can help you.