Neuro-affirmative Workshops in Berlin

Arula Counselling offers neuro-affirmative workshops in Berlin to organisations, students and employees. These workshops will focus on:

  • raising mental health awareness

  • reducing stigma

  • building coping skills

  • supporting team dynamics and resilience

  • improving productivity

  • creating a neuro-affirmative workplace

Below, you will find more information on what mental health is, why mental health workshops are important and how they can help benefit your organisation, employees and students. 


Defining mental health

World Health Organisation (WHO) describes mental health as: “a state of mental well-being in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”. This goes beyond being symptom-free and highlights the importance of self-awareness, coping skills, productivity, and social connectedness.

What is a healthy work environment?

According to WHO: “Safe and healthy working environments are not only a fundamental right but are also more likely to minimise tension and conflicts at work and improve staff retention, work performance and productivity. Conversely, a lack of effective structures and support at work, especially for those living with mental health conditions, can affect a person’s ability to enjoy their work and do their job well; it can undermine people’s attendance at work and even stop people getting a job in the first place.”

Why are neuro-affirmative workshops important? 

  • reducing stress and anxiety

  • gain valuable knowledge and tools on how to manage mental well-being

  • learning effective coping skills

  • creating awareness of mental health conditions and neurodivergence

  • resilience-building techniques and strategies to maintain a healthy work-life balance

  • creating a positive and inclusive work culture

  • focusing on the strengths of each individual

Arula Counselling integrates creative, psychodynamic, mindfulness and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) approaches with a focus on neurodiversity-affirming and trauma-informed care. 

Benefits of mental health workshops: 

  • Improved productivity and retention

Investing in mental health workshops positively impacts work performance and productivity. By equipping employees with effective tools and strategies to manage their mental well-being, our workshops reduce stress levels, enhance focus, problem-solving abilities, job satisfaction, and performance.

  • Stress and anxiety management 

Our mental health workshops offer practical strategies for managing workplace anxiety and stress. Through interactive sessions, participants learn valuable coping skills, fostering a supportive environment that enhances well-being and reduces mental health difficulties through creative and engaging ways.

  • Communication and team building 

We emphasise effective communication, empathy, and positive relationship-building in our workshops. By improving interpersonal skills, our workshops enhance team dynamics, collaboration, and overall workplace satisfaction. Engaging in shared musical experiences creates a positive and inclusive atmosphere, fostering trust, unity, and cooperation among employees.

  • Promoting self-care 

We help employees find a healthy work-life balance through our workshops. By exploring personalized self-care techniques, employees can prioritise their well-being, leading to increased overall satisfaction and improved work-life balance.”

  • Enhancing creativity and new ways of thinking 

Our workshops employ creative techniques to support employees in discovering new creative ways of thinking. Engaging in music-making activities stimulates creativity, enhances problem-solving skills, and adaptability. These skills can be applied in the workplace to overcome challenges and generate innovative solutions.

What happens in a workshop?

These workshops are led in an experiential way where creativity and the reflexive practice is used to support the participants’ mental health. They may be focused on specific topics, depending on your team’s needs. Please get in touch so we can get to know each other and find out together what your team would need.


Mental health is messy. Sometimes we need more than just talking. Reconnecting the mind and body through creative expression. Through creativity, we can start to access the parts of us that have been hidden for so long, or we never thought existed in us.

All employees have a right to a safe and healthy work environment. Whether that’s supporting overall mental wellbeing of your organisation, or more specific workshops such as understanding neurodivergence, offering coping strategies, focusing on depression or understanding team dynamics, we can support your organisation in doing that.