Online Counselling in Berlin

Coming to a therapist’s office is not always possible. You might be busy and can’t seem to make time to commute to the therapist’s office. However, taking care of your mental health is still important to you. You want to feel in touch with yourself and your emotions and improve your relationships with others. You want to live a better lifestyle and start to feel better. Therefore, deciding to start with online therapy might be suitable for you. 

Online counselling is accessible

Covid-19 has made online therapy far more used than it was before. You may be living in a different part of the world but still want to connect with a specific therapist in another country. Or online therapy fits better with your lifestyle. Access to treatment has become easier than ever through online therapy. Online therapy allows you to meet your therapist on a secure video platform which you can access from the comfort of your home. 

Online counselling in Berlin 

Online counselling is suitable for you if you travel frequently or know that you can’t make it to a regular session each week. If you are based in Berlin, in-person sessions are still an option. Having some in-person sessions with your therapist helps to strengthen the connection with your therapist. 

Who benefits from online counselling? 

So many people have seen great results from online counselling. Online counselling is especially beneficial for people who can’t leave the house due to severe anxiety or other illnesses or disabilities. Research has shown that online treatment is as effective as treating anxiety and depression in in-person counselling. 

Online therapy services by Arula Counselling

Arula Counselling offers counselling and music therapy for adults. We specialise in neurodiversity, anxiety, depression, trauma and addictions and provide a welcoming space for LGBTQ+ individuals. We are confident that online therapy offers you a safe space for healing. We understand mental health and are qualified to provide appropriate support towards recovery. Read more on benefits of online therapy.

About location

Please contact us here or on the link below to discuss whether we can offer online counselling for you if you are not based in Berlin. 

Please note: Not every situation is suitable for online counselling sessions. Contact us here or discuss with your therapist whether online therapy fits your needs or whether you could benefit from in-person sessions.